The Daily Herring

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Enough Bacon!

Two-term Congressman, Don Bacon, freshly reelected on the coattails of Donald Trump has revealed himself to be just another Boehner-style Republicrat.

His decision to abstain from joining the Texas challenge to the unconstitutional fashion by which four states conducted their elections, was offensive enough (especially coming from a man who likely had the electoral scales tipped in his favor by Trump’s last minute visit to Omaha), but becomes positively revolting when one hears his “reasoning.”

On the Scott Voorhees show on Newsradio 1110 KFAB today, Bacon was asked why he stood aloof from the President’s attempts to address clear evidence of fraud, specifically, by placing his name alongside that of 106 other House Republicans in support of the Texas challenge.

Bacon rationalized his political cowardice by reciting a litany of legacy-media talking points - little evidence of fraud, not enough to have swayed the outcome, etc. - even misquoting Attorney General Barr by claiming “even Barr has said there’s not enough fraud to overturn the election,” when Barr clearly said there may well have been, only that the DOJ has yet to complete the investigations.

These misapprehensions of reality alone reveal a paucity of intellectual awareness and either an unwillingness to research beyond headlines, or an inability to understand what he finds.

Either one is unacceptable from a man in his elevated position. Nebraska deserves better.

However, Bacon wasn’t done there…he exhibited either a clueless misunderstanding of the basis of the Texas lawsuit, or engaged in willful misrepresentation of it, parroting the identical false media narratives already proffered by the usual Democrat propaganda outlets in print and television.

He justified his abstention by claiming he “didn’t want to tell four state’s voters that their votes don’t count.”

I’ve already written a great deal about the actual purpose of the Texas suit, and the possible remedies available to SCOTUS should they find for the Plaintiff states, and not one of them involves telling voters “their votes don’t count.”

The only issue before the Court is whether these states conducted their elections in a fashion that differed from the law established by their respective state legislatures, which are Constitutionally-mandated to establish those laws, and as clearly stated in the Constitution, are the ONLY bodies given that power.

Any material alterations to these laws implemented administratively by either Secretaries of State, or lower election officials, or even courts, violates that mandate and renders that election unconstitutional.

Should Texas (and the 18 states who have signed on to the suit) succeed, neither they nor the Supreme Court will have disfranchised ANYONE - that achievement belongs to the respective state officials who usurped authority to which they had no legal entitlement.

Furthermore, the voters will still have representation, in that the remedy the Supreme Court will likely direct will be to return the selection of Electors to the body with whom that selection is vested by the Constitution: their state legislatures, elected by those same voters.

Apparently Bacon is purposely unaware of all this, or simply too intellectually lazy to find out. Either way, his failure here is indicative of a man with unacceptably malleable core principles. Had Kara Eastman defeated Bacon, we would at least know we must counter the actions of an enemy of Constitutional government at every turn.

Now, we get to play the guessing game, wondering when the next knife to the back will come, and how damaging those future wounds will be. It’s becoming clear why perennial ideological Gumby, Brad Ashford, endorsed Bacon. Kindred spirits.

Sorry Don, I just don’t see you coming back from this. Certainly not with me.