The Daily Herring

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Setting a Nasty Precedent

A professor at a small Community College in Northern Arizona has been teaching the truth, and for his crime both he and the College are being sued by a very powerful, well-funded international organization with ties to terrorism.

The organization is the Council on American Islamic relations (CAIR) and they allege the professor has defamed their religion by teaching students that Islam “is not a peaceful religion.” Having based his lesson plans on the source material – the Quran and the Hadiths – Prof. Nicholas Damask of Scottsdale Community College (SCC) felt he was standing on the firm ground of intellectual honesty and unassailable scholarship.

Prof. Damask didn’t count on being assailed by a group for whom truth is both fungible and routinely concealed in pursuit of an agenda of Islamic supremacy.

CAIR remains an unindicted co-conspirator in a money laundering scheme which involved passing millions of dollars from Islamic organizations and individuals through a charitable entity known as the Holy Land Foundation, before disbursing it to the real beneficiary of the donations – HAMAS and other terror groups.

They have been a front operation for the Muslim Brotherhood (along with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim Students Association (MSA) and others) since their founding, pursuing a plan to destabilize, propagandize and to infiltrate the core institutions of the United States.

We know this from a planning document known as the “Explanatory Memorandum” discovered by the FBI in the course of their investigation into the Holy Land Foundation and its principals.

ISNA was to operate within the religious/cultural segment of American society, establishing a sanitized view of Islam in the minds of Americans through the exploitation of ecumenical initiatives with Christians and Jews.

MSA was to establish chapters at every university possible to propagandize and mislead about the true nature of Islam while gaining converts if possible, but settling for achieving a sympathetic view from non-Muslim students.

CAIR’s mission was to infiltrate, populate and operate within government at all levels while masquerading as a civil rights watchdog for American Muslims. In truth, they have been the most successful of the three Muslim Brotherhood front groups, having wormed their way into the highest levels of our federal government, even advising Presidents on matters involving Islam, terrorism and religious and cultural issues.

It is CAIR who coined the term “Islamophobia” and the phrase “religion of peace,” parroted by President Bush following the attacks of 9/11/2001. They have also been particularly vigorous practitioners of “lawfare,” a pernicious and gross abuse of the American legal system used to silence dissent and censor those who threaten their hegemony.

Simply put, when the occasion arises, CAIR immediately files suit against their target (or their employers) seeking astounding damages and demanding outrageous apologies for the smallest of perceived slights. Wary of being branded “Islamophobic,” many individuals, corporations and other assorted victims swiftly settle rather than face hyper-expensive litigation from a group with access to hundreds of millions of dollars and a willingness to spend a disproportionate amount if it means bankrupting their foe.

For CAIR, lawfare has been a lucrative practice. Countless settlements have enriched them, a cowering media has run interference for them and a well- meaning, but deceived, government bureaucracy has empowered them while they operate with precious little official scrutiny. But what terrible offense did our hapless Professor commit? What was he teaching to merit such an outsized attack from the 800lb Gorilla of the Islamic supremacy movement?

He taught the truth of the Quran and exposed the direct mandates in Islam to engage in terrorism and to kill non-Muslims. These are the very links CAIR, ISNA and the MSA have labored mightily to conceal, and will stop at nothing to keep from the public eye.

Ever the master of misdirection, CAIR trotted out an equivalence argument they have used to the point of wearing it slick – Prof. Damask failed to mention “domestic terrorism in the United States spurred by White Supremacy and racially motivated hate crimes.” as part of his lesson plan, forcing CAIR to expend time and treasure “correcting his Islamophobic information.”

According to CAIR, the reflexive and profuse apologies made by the Interim Chancellor of SCC (complete with pledges to ensure the offending course materials would be removed) were discredited by his subsequent assertion that students must confront “difficult and contentious topics, even when doing so may be uncomfortable.”

In CAIR’s words, they had “put SCC on notice that one of its professors was teaching the disapproval of Islam,” and therefore breaching the First Amendment’s Establishment clause. They wrote the professor’s “instruction that Islam is terrorism is no different than stating that Christianity and the Bible mandate Christians to follow the KKK.”

As with all totalitarian ethos, false dichotomies and irrelevant equivalencies are drawn to distract the observers from the demonstrable truth of Islam’s chief commission – to subjugate the world, and all that is in it, to Islam as the Prophet of Allah has commanded.

The SCC is a small community college with a budget dwarfed by that of CAIR. Why go after them with such gusto and an apparent unwillingness to settle out of court? CAIR wants a verdict on the record to establish a legal precedent making criticism of Islam a tortious claim.

With the legal profession’s wrongheaded, but slavish devotion to stare decisis (following precedent) such a verdict would become a nuclear-tipped cudgel by which Islamists could beat dissent and criticism to death. They have already done so in many European nations, where citizens do not have the protection of our Constitution’s First Amendment right to free speech.

The right to free speech has generally been respected among western republics, but as a tradition, not a legal stricture. Only nation has determined free speech to be an unalienable right, not to be abridged without due process of law.

With this verdict, CAIR hopes to forever sidestep due process, enabling them to simply declare speech they don’t like to be out of bounds and not protected by the First Amendment, using this verdict as justification. Unable to silence criticism in America as they have done in Europe (through legislation criminalizing speech critical of Islam) they are evading the scrutiny of the First Amendment by establishing a legal precedent that accomplishes the same thing, despite such speech being wholly accurate and provable.

CAIR has been designated as a terror group by the United Arab Emirates. We would be wise to do the same, along with their Muslim Brotherhood-backed brethren, ISNA, MSA and the Muslim American Society, (MAS).

Each is engaged in civilizational jihad and will not rest until they have fulfilled Mohammed’s final order. Beware the wolves in sheep’s clothing.