The Daily Herring

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The Hinge on Which the Future Swings

There is a vast chasm between clinging to outmoded beliefs simply for the sake of tradition, and adhering to eternal truths for the purpose of Salvation, although modern culture would declare both as one and the same.

Never before have we labored under a culture that rejects belief in a power greater than ourselves.

Earlier cultures — even when bitterly divided — shared a common belief that a greater force stood above the fray. Something that transcended our finite lives, to which, at some point we must make an account of ourselves.

But what happens when one side acknowledges the existence of ultimate truth while the other side denies even the possibility of it? Debate is dead, and mutual understanding becomes impossible.

The sea on which we sail is full of peril, as it has always been, but now, we have been stripped of our sextants, calipers and compass, forcing us to make a voyage across an uncharted sea with only our wits and experience as guide.

We require a compass, but are told to make do with a kitchen pot. We cannot navigate safely without a sextant, but are forbidden to use one for fear it may be seen as consulting something beyond ourselves; something the other side insists isn't real.

Where do we find common ground in such a circumstance? We have become oil and water, but unlike those two substances, we aren't content with mere separation; for one side, only the obliteration of the other will do.

This is an inflection point in human history, where the next few choices will be hyper-magnified in importance, as they will form the hinge on which our future opens or closes.

When the power of persuasion is denied us by the death of debate, only one path forward remains - the unassailable warship of exemplification - living the truth through the example of our own lives, which is the only thing that cannot be refuted, as its simple existence puts the lie to those who deny it is real.

Falsehood talks a good game. It even presents a good imitation of truth, but like a hologram, it's merely an apparition of reality, devoid of substance, and stands embarrassingly exposed when standing next to the real thing.

We're past the point of discussion. What we say has been rendered irrelevant by the systematic, steadfast refusal of media, government and culture to listen to our words. The lines are drawn, the trumpets sounded.

We are left with no alternative but to live our beliefs out loud; to solve our own problems with our own resources, and to exemplify eternal truths through the example of our own lives.

Don't be afraid to stand in opposition to falsehood. Your mere existence is what defeats the lie.