Bonfires of Deceit


American Socialists are fueling this fire…

The burgeoning duality in American jurisprudence is nowhere more prominent than among politicians and their allies. Unconscionable corruption is de rigeur, as is the paucity of consequence for their brazen misdeeds.

Behavior that would launch a lengthy career as a penitentiary resident, if committed by John or Jane Ordinary, results in negotiated retirements, or some other form of pillow-soft landing for the political miscreant.

Worse still, they continue to receive preferential treatment among the doyens of society while reaping lucrative contracts for lobbying or punditry.

It’s this dissonance that jangles noisily in the heads of voters. It’s entrenched elitism (enjoyed by the ethically-compromised of both parties) that ensures the relative safety of those involved, with underlings loathe to upset the protocol for fear of finding themselves unable to exploit the same advantages, when their turn at the trough arrives.

For us, the everyday men and women of America, the temptation to throw up our hands in helpless frustration is nearly irresistible; indeed, many millions have simply walked away from the process of politics with disgust, declaring a pox on both houses, washing their hands of further involvement.

Consequently, the decreasing scrutiny only served to make corruption easier, and with fewer limits on the activities (and overreach) of politicians and the regulatory behemoths they create and feed, the profitability of office soon grew to dwarf the more narrow pursuits of organized crime.

Rather than shadowy crime bosses owning politicians, politicians absorbed those bosses and their criminal enterprises into a taxpayer funded cartel of back-scratching, with the rapidly swelling size of government ensuring the looting of the public treasury would occur at eye-popping levels.

We know all this. We are queasily familiar with the “way things are done,” and the shabby treatment the “People” get whenever they seek justice for the lawlessness among our public servants. And each election, we fall for the same promises, made by the same people, and the cycle begins anew.

In 2016, we found a man willing to say all this openly. A man with the guts to call the criminals out by name, and to attach their crimes to them, like a note pinned on a child’s coat for the first day of school.

Now, nearly four years later, we have finally gotten the President we thought we had voted for all those other times.  For once, we weren’t the butt of their jokes, as they snickered at our naivete, and took up their place at the federal trough like all those before them.  This time, our man was different.

Over the next four years, those who had built empires on the “way things are done” would lost hundreds of billions of dollars as President Trump cuts off their avenues of thievery.

From the scientific/technological elite, to the military/industrial complex (we were warned about both in Eisenhower’s farewell address) Trump has put an end to the profligate looting of government programs.

He has, by some estimates, defunded the “deep state” by more than a trillion dollars over the last four years simply through his regulatory reforms.

Many hundreds of billions more have been denied to the corrupt by halting looting schemes operating within the foreign aid establishment and through the incestuous relationship between the EPA and the environmental movement.

For these reasons (and many more!) the Left and the compromised Right, will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. They know they will not survive another term.

The media, and what we call “big tech,” (Google, Facebook, etc.) have a vested interest as well, both financial and ideological, and they have not hesitated to pull out all the stops in their pursuit of victory.

We’ve long known of their snottily exhibited bias, and of their algorithmic-based censorship of Conservative thought, but we are now seeing the most outrageous examples of brutal, Politburo-style censorship in the history of our nation.

Concocting fictitious crimes (the Russia hoax, the Ukraine Impeachment and countless other ginned up “scandals”) have proven impotent against the President; distractions to be sure, but not disabling.

Prosecutorial misconduct failed deliver the desired Presidential scalp, as too many Americans saw through the schemes, and alerted others using alternate media sources and the power of social media connections.  A circumstance that had to be remedied for this election, lest the people become aware their nation was being stolen from under their noses.

In this election cycle, both the gloves and the masks have come off, and the Left has shown their willingness to breach all norms of conduct; break any irksome laws, even engage in treason if it will result in their boots on our neck.

Simply put, they’re tired of pretending to be honest, pretending to be fair, and pretending to give a tinker’s damn about the will of the American people.  

The media, Democratic Party and deep-state allied Republicans have made common cause with all comers, even the international communist movement, to acquire unassailable power, and with it, rid themselves once, and for all, of the tiresome necessity of political pretense.

For four long years, Donald Trump has put them against the wind, and they’ve not fared well, as each successive gust has further blown back their disguise, leaving them naked in their perfidy, exposed in their betrayal.

Now, we face the greatest test of all, defending the concept of free and fair elections in a nation founded upon them.

There are mighty forces arrayed against us, and they have been fiendishly effective in creating a stasis, an immovable inertia preventing even the discussion of election irregularities, much less accountability and redress for the crimes.

The narrative is set in stone – Biden won, and Trump won’t accept it.  The media echoes it endlessly.  Pop culture burnishes the lie by making it the “cool” way to think.  Government officials weigh in with mock authority, donning gravitas like a costume. 

The Left orchestrate the message while deploying their paramilitary street thugs online and, in the cities, with the explicit and implicit threat of violence toward anyone who dare refuse the narrative.

Most dangerously, the full weight of it all is purposely laid upon the shoulders of the courts, where Judges are doxed, and their families intimidated.  Fear ascends the throne and rules over those who just want to move on.

Our nation’s most cherished values, traditions and founding principles have been tossed upon a bonfire fueled by deceit.  A fire that will eventually consume us all as the protections of the Constitution become just so much ash and might becomes right.

They say the only causes worth dying for are the lost ones… pray we don’t have to test that aphorism firsthand.

Dominus Providebit - 


Prohibition Didn’t Work Either…


“Follow the Science”