“In a world where fake news and manufactured crisis are the hallmarks of politics…
…reasoned analysis and informed commentary aren’t merely rare - they are the new Radical.”
Embrace Radical.
Posts are arranged in chronological order

“Ethically Sourced?” Is it important in organ transplantation?
Can this possibly be applied to organ harvesting from donors who are not yet dead?

University of Nebraska Medical Center research plays “fast and loose” with organ harvesting laws
Because these donors are not brain-dead, do they have some level of awareness as they are taken to have their brain circulation cross-clamped? How many families would give their loved ones over to transplant teams if they knew the grisly reality taking place behind the operating room doors?”
Organ donors must be given opportunity to reconsider their choice in light of this information.

Sometimes, there’s smoke and no fire
Sometimes, there is no fire, just a lot of smoke…

Chesterton Academy Omaha - KFAB Interview

The only election guide you’ll ever need
The only voter guide you’ll ever need…

Death by a Thousand Delays
19 years old, and no more.