Election Integrity in Nebraska - A Multipart Investigative Series

This multipart series first ran on successive days in Nebraska Sunrise News beginning in late January of 2022. Much of this reporting has since been echoed by numerous other publications.

I began this investigation with a four hour radio show on Newsradio 1110 KFAB where I interviewed Larry Ortega and Jay Valentine in depth. I conducted my investigation subsequent to that show. You’ll find that show in its entirety at the first link below.

This was not a conclusion easily reached, as I am friends with all involved on each side of the issue. I have a reputation as an honest broker, a man not given to fanciful diatribes based on emotion or invective, but rather a writer who researches deeply, documents fully and reports accurately. Many of the arguments circulating from various campaigns this primary season are specious at best as regards election fraud in Nebraska.

Permit me to be clear:

I do NOT believe the 2020 Presidential election was a legitimate expression of the voter’s will. I am fully convinced of the existence of fraud - widespread and impactful - in a great many states. I am an unqualified supporter of President Trump.

However, I believe this election was stolen in the old-fashioned way, as suggested in the premise of the documentary, 2000 Mules, through the time-honored tactic known as ballot stuffing. The evidence given for algorithmic manipulation via voting machines is based on modeling, just like the modeling behind claims of anthropogenic climate change. And just like the climate change crowd, the election manipulation crowd has not published the assumptions on which their modeling is based, with the exception of a few prior election datasets that are in no way dispositive of iron-clad reliability.

After publishing these articles, I had hoped those who have become desperately invested in this narrative would recognize their error and join with the Secretary of State in pushing hard for the legislative reforms he has long advocated - reforms which would almost entirely address their concerns. However, that didn’t happen, and because many held fast to erroneous beliefs rather than demanding their representatives in the Unicameral pass these needed reforms, most of them failed.

The incessant refrain is “Why won’t you answer our questions!”

We have. Repeatedly. You just don’t like the answers and pretend you never heard them. Here they are again. It’s on you if you fail again.

https://www.dailyherring.com/blog/electionintegrity Radio Show (with commercials removed)

The multipart series is below







Death by a Thousand Delays


Election Integrity in Nebraska - Part 1