Ben Sasse & Nancy Pelosi Sharing a Brain?

From “Just The News” -

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Sunday slammed President Trump’s executive orders giving economic relief on coronavirus.

“What the president did is unconstitutional slop,” Pelosi said Aug. 9 on Fox News Sunday, denouncing the orders as “illusions.”

Pelosi (D-Calif) fired back at host Chris Wallace when he reminded her that Trump signed the orders when Congress failed to pass a relief package.

An interesting choice of words from the Democrat Speaker of the House, given the identical phrase was also used by Republican Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska in a statement released immediately following the President’s public announcement of the four executive orders.

From “Marketwatch” -

One Republican lawmaker, Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska, called Trump’s unilateral moves “unconstitutional slop.”

“President Obama did not have the power to unilaterally rewrite immigration law with DACA and President Trump does not have the power to unilaterally rewrite the payroll tax law,” Sasse said in a statement.

Hardly an everyday marriage of words when describing what one believes is Executive overreach, and the idea that both Pelosi and Sasse independently arrived at the odd phrase at the same time beggars belief. The only question in this author’s mind, is whether Pelosi lifted the phrase from Sasse, (who appears to have used it first) or if the good Senator from Nebraska is a party to the same talking points memo as the Speaker.

If the former, then Sasse should be ashamed for feeding Trump’s most vocal enemy a verbal weapon with which to bludgeon the President. If the latter, then Sasse owes us all an explanation for why he’s on the distribution list for the daily “Get Trump!” propaganda message direct from the furthest reaches of the anti-American Left.

Either way, our young Senator would do well to learn that his mouth is an unnecessary addition to each and every news item, and despite his adoring self-love, the rest of us will get along just fine without his commentary. Except, apparently, Nancy Pelosi.


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