From the "Trash Heap of History"

Former Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, described the Trump administration as “racist to its core” and expressed her opinion that “Trump, and his supporters in the Senate belong on the trash heap of history.”

Strong words, especially when coming from a committed Leftist like Rice, who certainly knows the most infamous use of that phrase.

Directed at the Mensheviks, (the more moderate Socialist faction of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party, who with the Bolsheviks had overthrown the Tsar) as they walked out of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets Leon Trotsky screamed -

“You are pitiful, isolated individuals; you are bankrupts; your role is played out.

Go to where you belong from now on - into the dustbin of history!”

Trotsky, Lenin, and later Stalin, made good on that threat as they purged the Soviet political sphere of anyone not fully invested in their vision for the future. The fact of the purges is well-known and I don’t need to elaborate further on them other than to say, they were ruthless, relentless and bloody in the extreme.

Given the Leftist bent of Ms. Rice, is it really a stretch to think she may harbor a desire for her opposition to suffer a similar fate? After all, isn’t that how someone ends up “on the trash heap of history?” Experience tells us it is certainly a possibility.

The rhetoric of the Left is different from that on the Right. Both sides are given to hyperbole but only one side refuses to maintain even a tether to the truth as they excoriate their political opposites. To support her argument about the Trump administration being “racist to its core,” Rice cites three wholly debunked claims in a single breath -

“I'd say better late than never. You know, to serve an administration which has been racist to its core for the last three and a half years, from comparing the peaceful protesters at Charlottesville to white supremacists, calling white supremacists very fine people, all the way through to the recent weeks where the administration has disparaged the Black Lives Matter movement, disparaged the peaceful protesters, and basically made plain that they prefer to stand by a Confederate legacy than a modern America, it's been an administration whose record on race is just disgraceful,” Rice said on MSNBC regarding the resignation of Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs Mary Elizabeth Taylor, the Trump administration’s highest ranking female African American official.

Regular readers (or even the barely cognizant) well know Trump did none of those things alleged by Rice, but the brazen lies remain in the public consciousness, repeated as they are by a knee-pad media wholly invested in carrying water for the American equivalent of the Bolsheviks.

At the time of this writing, President Trump is about to hold his first post-Covid campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Slated for a venue that holds a shade less than 20,000, more than one million people have requested tickets.

Trump’s rallies are known for their eye-popping attendance, but this particular one is taking that to an entirely new place, best described as stratospheric. While the media will attempt to spin this as simply a natural reaction from people who have been isolated by the Coronavirus for too long, Trump supporters know better. It is a pure expression of unwavering support for a man who has stood in the gap for America’s founding values against neo-Bolshevik rabble seeking to erase more than statues and place names. They mean to erase opposition, and if history is any guide, they will not shy away from bringing Trotsky’s words to life.


Shuffling through the Circles of Hell


At some point, we all say no…