Vote-By-Mail: What could possibly go wrong?

The ad shown here is appearing all over the internet, on social media and in rotation with Google ads and other similar platforms, not an inexpensive proposition on such a scale.


If Vote-By-Mail is indeed secure, fraud-free, and advantages neither political party over another, as the Democrats and media claim, why is a group, that exists solely to eliminate Republicans from all public positions, willing to expend a great deal of money on ads to promote it?

Moreover, they mark it “Urgent,” in the body of the ad. The fact of their support, in addition to the dramatic rate at which they are expending resources to achieve this goal, is quite instructive.

Whether Vote-By-Mail advantages the Left or not is irrelevant; the Left certainly believes it does and are pulling out all the stops to make it happen.

The “Stop Republicans Pac” has already spent $17 million this year on web ads championing Vote-By-Mail, mostly on Facebook.

This level of commitment can only be seen as tacit admission of their intention to exploit the inherent vulnerabilities of mail-in voting to steal the election. Why else promote this scheme unless convinced they can turn it to their favor?

The idea of expanding the voting franchise holds much appeal to both sides of the political divide.

With the existing polity firmly entrenched in one camp or the other, swaying enough voters to switch their allegiance has become increasingly difficult. Indeed, prior to Trump, it hadn’t happened in large enough numbers to affect an election result for nearly 40 years.

The calcification of party membership and the success of movements like #Walkaway, has occasioned an all-out effort by Democrats to attract new or lapsed voters to their side, or at least convince them to not vote for Trump.

A disgusted electorate is likely a smaller electorate, as many simply declare a pox on both houses and abstain.

Pragmatism is the animating principle of winning elections. While soaring rhetoric or well-crafted policy initiatives can recommend one candidate over another, it is a rare occasion that sees such ephemeral factors sweep someone to victory in Presidential politics.

There is a grinding, boots-on-the-ground prerequisite to success, and in this maelstrom of activity we frequently find corners being rounded and rules abandoned.

Despite incessant media claims to the contrary, election fraud is a real thing, and affects elections at all levels in our nation. In some jurisdictions, the sanctity of American elections has been reduced to the chastity of a brothel.

The days of the openly operating political machines may have receded into the past, but their methods and tactics are with us today, only more refined, subtle, and less prone to exposure and prosecution. This is the climate in which the “Stop Republicans” outfit (and countless others similarly oriented) have decided their time has come.

Whether due to a stunning lack of self-awareness or merely an obtuse instinct to choose the most direct path, these groups are telegraphing their intentions to control the outcome of this election, apparently without regard to ethics or legality.

As I’ve written previously in these pages, the Left is engaging in “lawfare” against states, counties and other localities across our nation, filing often frivolous suits in the attempt to intimidate their target into acquiescing to their demands rather than mount costly, budget-busting legal defenses.

The usual suspects are involved of course; Marc Elias, Hillary Clinton’s personal legal attack dog from the law firm Perkins Coie (the same firm that’s neck-deep in the production of the infamous Steele Dossier and the facilitation of corruption in the affair known as “Obamagate”), along with the litigation arms of a whole host of existing and newly established hard-left non-profits and foundations led by people like former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder and failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams.

Each suit seeks similar outcomes: water down the standards by which absentee or mail in ballots are verified while forcing the extension of ballot deadlines to absurd lengths, which of course enables a losing party to determine precisely how many ballots they need to manufacture to steal the election, and subsequently flood the mail with them.

Of course, this strategy is predicated on an unprecedented number of remotely-cast votes, whether absentee or via hastily constructed Vote-By-Mail schemes. Stuffing the ballot box in person is prohibitively difficult in numbers sufficient to move the needle on national elections. Too many eyes with an opportunity to glimpse and report malfeasance.

Mail in elections however don’t suffer from such vulnerabilities. The ballots are sent out unrequested, mailed to the last known address of every registered voter. Aside from the obvious waste of money spent processing and mailing tens of thousands of ballots to people who haven’t updated their addresses after moving, have died, or reregistered in another state or locality, there is the unassailable fact regarding the accuracy of voter rolls across this country. Frankly, in terms of reflecting an accurate tally of eligible, registered voters, they suck.

Also indicative of a deep-seated desire to preserve avenues for election fraud, it is the Democratic Party that reflexively fights every attempt to cleanse the voter rolls of outdated and inaccurate information. The muddier the picture, the better for concealing election fraud.

The same reason the concept of Voter ID is opposed by that same Party with a ferocity akin to a blood-oath.

We are witnessing a monstrous usurpation of our Constitutional rights to self-government through free and fair elections, and it is occurring right before our eyes.

The pretexts of the ongoing lawsuits are laughable on their face. We are expected to believe first, people who have identification for every other purpose in modern life simply cannot manage to present said ID to vote without bearing a crushing burden likely to dissuade them from the attempt.

Next, by sending ballots to every registered voter, we can ensure the electorate remains safe from a pathogen with a recovery rate exceeding 99%, by not requiring them to leave their homes (which they are doing already) to vote in perhaps the most consequential election of their lives.

A staple of election fraud for many decades, ballot harvesting (the practice of allowing political operatives and others to collect voters’ ballots and turn them in en masse to polling stations) is another point of litigation, with the Left seeking to force the acceptance of a practice that has led to some of the worst abuses of election law ever seen in this country.

Equally absurd is the claim that requiring ballots to arrive by election day somehow shortchanges voters by forcing them to meet an arbitrary deadline. The fact that said voter has, on average, more than a month to receive, fill out and return their ballot before running afoul of even the most stringent deadline currently in effect, is to be ignored. It isn’t helpful to the “voter suppression” narrative animating the media coverage of these lawsuits.

The wild-eyed nihilists of the Left have been denied many of their former tools of national sabotage by the Trump administration.

From interdicting foreign aid kickback schemes (Ukraine, China, etc.) to halting the flow of hundreds of millions of dollars to the environmentalist Left by halting the EPA’s “sue and settle” practice, the Left is hurting.

They are being corralled through Trump’s prolific deregulation, defunded through his common-sense policy shifts among the executive branch agencies and defanged by his mastery of the previously unchallenged purveyors of “fake news.”

However, all is for naught if the Left is permitted to follow through with their election hijacking scheme.

The Empire is striking back, and they have no interest in compromise. For them, this is a fight to the death.

It’s high time we govern ourselves accordingly.


Open letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci regarding the use of Hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19


Stealing an Election in Plain Sight - Part Two