Forward! To where?

A question for those who counsel "patience." For those who suggest our path forward lies in preparing for the next election; one with better safeguards to prevent a repeat of 2020...

What makes you believe you will be permitted to do any such thing?

The Left has shown their hand fully, and a host of "Republicans" are flocking to their banner, echoing wild charges of "Insurrection!" and "Sedition!" against any who dare question the "Nothing to see here, move along" narrative.

Cancel culture has been weaponized, with high-level elected officials encouraging the suspension of Constitutional rights belonging to those who opposed them politically.

The First and Second Amendments sit squarely in their sights, the destruction of the latter only awaiting the suspension of the former, an act which has already begun in earnest with the head of a social media platform exercising censorial control over the sitting President of the United States, simply because he fears the virility of the information he may share.

The major media outlets have likewise abandoned any semblance of ideological self-determination, parroting the same narratives (often using the same exact phrasing!) proffered by those who have declared intellectual curiosity to be thought crime, punishable by loss of career, constitutional rights and, as suggested by a disturbingly large cohort of Democrats, even the right to draw further breath.

Watch what is being done to our President, and explain to me how this sort of pogrom will leave the rest of us unmolested? 

Please tell me how our ideas, no matter their merit, will ever be permitted to spread among our fellow citizens, with access to media of any scale denied us?

Sure, we can grouse a bit. We may even be able to organize a rally or two, but any such movement will only grow until it reaches the point of irritating our betters, at which point, it will be silenced, and dissenters canceled.

Recall how emboldened the countless would-be tyrants at all levels of government and media officialdom, became once the lawlessness of the Obama administration set the example.

It isn't Pelosi, or Schumer who will crash your world around your head, it's the thousands of newly empowered elected officials and their army of bureaucrats who will take their cue from the despots above, daring us to stop them, just as their ideological masters dared us when they stole our Republic through unconstitutional "rule making" for the sole purpose of facilitating election fraud.

Think mask mandates writ large, except without any meaningful recourse by those who will be sorely abused by the coming jubilee of little Napoleons dancing across our lives, dictating our behavior, movements, and thoughts. Or else.

Tell me again, how do we shore up our electoral system against the tide of manipulation breaking against our now-demolished bulwarks?

Shall we cite the Constitution? Shall we demand justice?

Who will listen? Certainly not those who now hold our leash.

Shall we be left to the fate of all those who permit lies to overwhelm the truth - licking the hands of our masters while thanking him for beating us less today than the day before?

Change my mind.

PLEASE, for all our sakes, enlighten me on the error of my thinking, for I desperately wish to be in error today, not prescient, not insightful.

For the sake of our future, prove me wrong.

Because today, my greatest fear is, that cannot be done.



Some Things Must Be Brought to an End


The Immaculate Deception