What If? A Question for BLM Activists

“What if? “ So goes the beginning of every visionary step forward in the history of mankind. Without questioning, imagining and speculating, the only movement we experience is regression; as we well know, nature never stands still.

The Marxist overseers of the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) have applied the rhetoric of class warfare to the issue of racial inequality. Launching from a flawed, cracked foundation, their social contruct fails spectacularly when exposed to real data and modest scrutiny. Simply put, their musings do not scale, especially when their fiction relies on demonstrably false or at best, unknowable assumptions.

Imagine trying to isolate the cause of death for a stage 4 cancer patient who fell from a gurney on a hospital ship while said ship was capsizing after having been hit by an out of control aircraft carrying a cargo of lethal nerve agents and piloted by a man shot through with the worst ever case of Herpes and a textbook-quality death-wish.

Of course, the CDC would consider this a Covid death, but more rational eyes might make note of the numerous possible causes and accept the reality that it may be entirely impossible to determine the final nail in our gurney-challenged patient’s coffin. Some things simply aren’t discernable.

So it is with the vagaries of the human heart.

People hate and love for countless reasons, most of which we couldn’t decipher with a supercomputer. Why are people racist? Why do some people hate broccoli and still others think Tofu ought to be considered a legitimate food source? What about people who listen to fill-in-the-blank music you can’t stand? Close talkers? Why on earth would God have made people who are convinced the closer they are to your face, the greater your ability to understand their communication? The list is endless, as are the reasons for each. Pretending otherwise isn’t just pedantic nonsense, it’s a smoke screen that conceals those few details we might perceive, had it not been for the misdirecting influence of the grievance monger-du-jour.

While I cannot speak for others - I make no claim to mind reading abilities, unlike my counterparts on the Left - I do believe many will share my assessment. I care nothing about race. I care EVERYTHING about behavior.

Let’s look at music. I detest rap music, despite recognizing the artistic skill necessary to write and perform it. Of course the majority of rap music is produced by black people, so does it then follow that my distaste for rap music is in reality subconscious racism? Nope.

I also hate the anti-melodic crap that wafts across the average Spanish language radio waves. Not a fan of music from the Indian subcontinent either. Clearly I am a fully-vested white supremacist right? Not so fast… I also harbor an intense dislike for Polka music, anything “New Age,” and above all, will consider suicide as an option if I’m unable to escape the musical stylings of ANY Swedish Death-Metal band.

Does this make me a self-loathing racist, or perhaps could race simply not have a damn thing to do with any of it?

The latter is supported by demonstrable logic while the former requires one to believe they can tap-dance around the sharp corners and worn walkways of my brain. They cannot. Hell, I can scarcely manage it!

What about culture aside from music? Races, ethnicities, nationalities all have cultural idiosyncrasies specific to themselves. As a man who has seen a great deal of this world, I can attest to the existence of some pretty odd behaviors found in only one place, or among only one ethnicity. Some of these are genuine treasures, unique expressions of beauty or skill found nowhere else, while others are positively monstrous and deserve to be stamped out with prejudice.

This is the stuff of life, the building blocks of humanity as a whole and the source of America’s unprecedented power. We took the good and expelled the bad. We honored that which was honorable and jettisoned that which was not. Being human, we Americans were not perfect in our selections, and we permitted practices that proved too difficult to dislodge at the time, but to our credit, we never stopped trying.

My point is, on the long balance sheet by which we assign ourselves and each other value, race is at or near the bottom for most of us. Behavior is at or near the top.

When an individual (or a group acting in concert) behave in an ugly fashion; if their acts are those exhibiting the worst elements of culture or embrace the baser instincts of our violent capacities, is the problem their behavior, or their race?

The question I would like to ask every BLM activist and their supporters and those who sympathize with their cause…

Could it be the distaste you see in the eyes of your white counterparts as you accuse them of being genetically-racist and scream obscenities and threats at them have nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with you being a dick?

I’m going to clue you in on some essential wisdom, and I advise you to take it to heart, for the lesson is universal and good to know, regardless of race, circumstance or position.

Act like a dick and no one likes you, regardless of your race. When things don’t go your way, instead of leaping to a conclusion of racism, first check to make sure you’re not a dick. Check that privilege first before worrying about anyone else’s.


Setting a Nasty Precedent


Lying for Justice