About that “Conservative” voting record, Senator Sasse…

On Thursday, the 4th of February 2021, Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse addressed his critics regarding the effort to bring a vote of censure against him among Nebraska Republicans.

As he has done frequently, the Senator cited his voting record (ranked as the most conservative in the Senate) in much the same way as a Priest would wield a Crucifix to ward off a demon.

However, there has always been an undiscussed issue relating to the Senator's votes. An issue, once honestly considered, that erases the assumed impact of the Senator's "courageous" stands for Constitutional conservatism.

People familiar with the sport of football have likely heard the term "garbage time," used to describe the remainder of a game that is no longer in doubt.

During garbage time, players frequently pad their stats - QB's rack up completions while receivers boost their reception yardage.

Running backs crank out yards against defenders who are already demoralized from being on the receiving end of a blowout, and unwilling to risk injury by making their best effort.

The catches, throws and runs of garbage time carry no asterisk next to them indicating the circumstances under which they were amassed, and frankly, many fans don't care - every player does it and there's no rule against it.

But, the fact remains, the recorded stats aren't an accurate reflection of a players achievements when it counts; when the game is on the line and everyone is putting forth their best effort.

So it is with Senator Ben Sasse.

A review of his voting record, when compared with contemporary news reports regarding the issues in question, and taken in light of the vote gathering efforts of the Party Whips at the time Sasse declares his decision, reveals a disturbing trend...

His support or opposition arrives AFTER the issue is no longer in doubt.

His vote/position unfailingly comes late - not because he is wrestling with his conscience, or some weighty concern only he can fathom (a pretense he adopts with tiresome frequency) - but because he is waiting for others to determine the outcome so he can cast his ballot without risk, padding his "Conservative" stats with "garbage time" heroics.

I invite you to research his votes in the manner I have described. It doesn't take long before the pattern emerges, as obvious as a turd in a punchbowl.

The good Senator's record is phony. It is cited as evidence of his conservative leadership, but upon further scrutiny, it reveals just another calculating politico padding his stats in garbage time, hoping no one notices on his way to the Hall of Fame.


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