Many Turned From the Worship of Baal, but Not All…

Elijah felt the heat from the people - the prophets of Baal spun a grand tale, preaching an existence free from obligation to righteousness or the law.

Indeed prophets of the one, true God had been on the menu as of late, with many put to the sword for opposing the narrative pushed by the prophets of Baal and their followers.

Something had to be done and quickly, before all the people succumbed to the false teaching.

The people were gathered together then, with the Prophets of Baal on one side and Elijah on the other when Elijah called for sacrifices to be prepared - a bull for Baal and another for the Lord God, lain upon firewood, but not lit.

Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest: both he and they would call upon their God to light the offering, and whichever God answered, the people would worship Him alone.

The prophets of Baal wailed and intoned for hours but their sacrifice lay cold on dry wood. Elijah taunted them, "Perhaps you should cry louder? Maybe your god is asleep?"

The prophets of Baal then flagellated themselves, dancing, and smearing themselves with their own blood, screaming for their god to deliver fire to the offering, all to no avail.

Finally Elijah stood and called for water to be brought, which he then splashed all over his bull and the wood it lay upon, soaking it until saturated. Surely no flame could light this sacrifice now.

Elijah then called upon God and fire came down, consuming the wood and the sacrifice both, as Elijah proclaimed the worship of the one, true God.

Many turned from the worship of Baal after his prophets had been exposed, but not all.

A large number refused the evidence of their own eyes, ignored the scent of wood smoke in their own nostrils, and tried to kill Elijah.

With the Lord's help, Elijah escaped.

In the Leftist-animated Democrat party of today, we find modern counterparts to the prophets of Baal, urging us to believe their explanations and rationalizations as Gospel, demanding we worship as they do, at a cold, barren altar, dedicated to a cold, barren ideology.

Indeed, just such a sacrificial ritual begins today in the Senate with the Impeachment trial of a President who has already left office. A ritual that will find the same success as did the prophets of Baal so long ago.

As their ideological forbears did, Democrats will promise endlessly, but deliver nothing but disappointment and bitterness, all while insisting we are foolish to trust the evidence of our own eyes, and the lessons of our own experience and knowledge.

And, when we refuse to adopt their warped vision; when we choose to face harsh truths over comfortable lies, they will set upon us violently, as their ideological ancestors did Elijah.

But now, as then, they will fail, as God is God and truth will out.

All the Democrats' wailing and gnashing has failed to bring down a single spark from their impotent gods, and the people of America know it, despite Democrats employing the full power of government, culture and media to convince us they have.

As we warm ourselves by the fire Elijah called down, we would do well to guard our flanks. The prophets of Baal have their followers, and if denied their victory, many will surely seek vengeance in its place.

Yes, we have truth on our side, but truth means nothing to the prophets of a false god. This sham on the floor of the Senate is just the beginning as the Democrats try desperately to prove their god is real.




About that “Conservative” voting record, Senator Sasse…