The Daily Herring

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Lying for Justice

I wonder how many Americans realize we chose a form of government when we adopted the Constitution, and that chosen form is not subject to replacement, even by a vote of the people.

To fulfill the wishes of the strident Left - installing a socialist government - would be to change the form of government, not merely its policy direction, in a way that is inimical to the stated purpose and meaning of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

Quite simply, it is not possible to adopt a socialist form of government under our Constitution without abrogating nearly every tenet within that document, not the least of which is the recognition that rights are inherent to the individual, not granted by government or obtained by membership in a favored class.

Let this sink in... Socialism is unconstitutional.

To advocate for Socialism is to advocate for the overthrow of the "republican form of government" described in the Constitution, as Socialism cannot operate in a climate of individual liberty. To function, that ideology necessitates ever-increasing state coercion of the citizen.

Next time you hear anyone advocate for Socialism, be sure to call them out for their crime. It even has a name...Sedition. Of course the miscreants of the Left refuse to own their errors. They are surely the unassailable potentates of rationalization, although they have given that particular character flaw a name that is a rationalization in itself - “Lying for Justice.”

You see, that's how the Left justifies peddling demonstrably false narratives. The end result (in their mind) is desirable, so anything that furthers that result is acceptable, even lying, if it ultimately serves the cause of "justice." The ends do justify the means in Leftist dogma.

Physicians know secondhand smoke is not deadly, yet they knowingly tout false studies in order to further the anti-smoking agenda. While fully aware the epidemiological studies used to justify draconian anti-smoking measures in the name of “clean air,” were chock full of misrepresentations, gamed, insupportable assumptions and outright fabrication of data, they nonetheless parroted the conclusions, as further restrictions (justified or not) would result in less smoking, which to them was the only goal worth pursuing.

Most on the Left know the "Hands up, don't shoot" narrative is a fiction, yet willingly propagate the myth in order to reach the ultimate "justice" of fair and equitable enforcement of law. IF the narrative happens to enrich them in terms of wealth and power, all the better.

Black Lives Matter leaders know the unbiased data do not support their assertions, but are willing, again, to "lie for justice," until they force larger society to accept their fantasy as our reality. We can no longer responsibly engage in debate with those invested in the perpetuation of fantasy. Regardless of the strength of our argument, if it doesn’t comport with their plaid-Unicorn, well-it-coulda-happened worldview, then it will be dismissed out of hand. Worse still, we will be demonized for having dared to challenge their fantasy with objective reality.

Don't permit it; not from them, not from your neighbor and especially, not from our elected leaders.

#TellTheTruth will relieve us of the unwarranted burdens of politically correct pretense. Only then will we be able to address actual injustice with wide open eyes, no longer distracted by sideshow hucksterism.

Just as you cannot fairly negotiate with a gun to your head, you cannot debate with those untethered to reality. To try, is to offer a legitimacy to their dysfunction that only makes it more powerful and difficult to dislodge. While they insist on lying, we must insist on refusing to listen. Anything less is only encouraging ever-deteriorating behavior.