The Daily Herring

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Election Results Delayed? Why?

The dominant media narrative regarding the coming election says, we shouldn't expect results on an ordinary timeline. The anticipated increase in absentee and mail-in voting will delay results as the sheer volume of ballots will require time-consuming handling. The media tells us to not expect anything firm for at least a week after the election, possibly even a month.


No one hand counts ballots. Absentee and mail-in ballots are optically scanned, and digitally compiled, in precisely the same way as ballots cast in person.

There are no additional steps involved, save for signature verification - matching the signature on the ballot envelope with the signature on the voter registration - which is analogous to the “check-in” process at a polling place. The verification of signatures occurs when the ballot is received and processed by the local jurisdiction, a function hardly new to these offices, who have been handling absentee ballots for decades.

Even ballots arriving just under the deadline pose no major prospect for delay, as they require verification and counting only if the current margin is close enough for the remaining uncounted ballots to sway the result, or if the results are already close enough to trigger an automatic recount.

Despite a great deal of emotional incontinence on the part of Democrats and the Media, the additional volume of mail for the Postal Service will not present a bottleneck. Even the highest estimates for mail-in balloting amount to a mere 2% increase in total mail pieces. Again, hardly a cause for concern.

But what of the overwhelmed election workers, who are most certainly buried under mountains of mail-in ballots, struggling for every breath? All these ballots must be fed into the scanners for tabulation, a record number of mail-in ballots, as we are incessantly reminded by the carnival barking News Anchors. Oh boy, we’ll be lucky to have all this counted by Christmas!

We’ve had high turnout elections before. Whether the ballot is cast in person at a polling place, or mailed-in, the total remains the same. Truth is, the only added step for mail-in ballots will be opening a bunch of envelopes, before scanning the ballots like all the rest.

The narrative of delayed results is false. There is NO reason for results to be delayed due to increased mail-in or absentee balloting.

It’s just a gambit to buy time to manufacture a sufficient number of ballots to overturn a state's result, without alerting the general public to the scam.

If we expect it to take longer, we'll be less suspicious when it drags on.

We cannot accept this narrative, and we must demand timely results. The time to do this however, is now, not after the election, when armies of Leftist litigators will be clogging the courts with specious challenges, demanding endless recounts under newly loosened standards imposed by complicit judges.

From a functional standpoint, this election is like every other. Any attempt to claim otherwise is a naked attempt to facilitate fraud.

In April, I wrote of the “lawfare” activities of Perkins Coie attorney Marc Elias, a man who has served as a Clinton hatchet-man for decades. Elias is threatening states with all manner of mayhem if they don’t permit ballot receipt deadlines to be relaxed to the point of irrelevance. He is demanding states abandon signature verification for absentee and mail-in ballots, claiming election workers aren’t certified handwriting experts, and cannot be relied upon to match an incoming signature with the one on file.

He is joined by an outfit led by Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, and another under the leadership of failed Georgia Gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams, who are filing and threatening similar suits in states across our nation. Working hand in hand with Democrats in the state legislatures, they are pushing for hastily drafted election legislation to accomplish the emasculation of both deadlines and verification processes in the targeted states, threatening to explode their Covid-drained budgets with expensive litigation if they fail to knuckle under.

These are just the most prominent members of the fraud facilitation vanguard of the Left. There are thousands of Democrat affiliated groups pressuring localities and municipalities to clear the way for their planned “count until we win” strategy. An essential element to their plan involves convincing the American people to swallow this “delay” narrative, to give them the space they need to “find” ballots in trunks, forgotten or mislaid ballot boxes, and of course, while blaming the Post Office, discovering hundreds of thousands of ballots lost in the mail, then miraculously found in postal sorting centers, all in highly contested districts of course.

The Democrats have been preparing for this election usurpation for some time now, and their strategy involves deceiving the public, intimidating state and local election officials and ginning up questions over the ability of the Postal Service to keep up. Each initiative dovetails with the rest to create confusion and fear while providing a fig leaf of plausibility in the “lost in the mail” ballot harvesting/manufacturing scheme.

Start making noise with your local officials. Reach out to your State offices, representatives and Governor, to ensure there will be no relaxation of, or alteration to, existing election law in your state. Make it crystal clear, you expect Election results this November to be tabulated and certified on the usual timeline.

Aside from enabling fraud, there is no reason for delay.