Are we to be “Fundamentally Transformed?”



Naturally induced immunity, once the gold standard against which vaccine-induced immunity was compared, has been all but dismissed since the advent of Covid driven vaccine mania.

There are more people who have been vaccinated (Approx. 116m) than have had Covid-19 and recovered, (32m), but it is the ratio within those numbers that sticks out.

32.9m Americans have been reported to have tested positive for Covid, with 32.3m recovering. 

The bulk of those numbers derive from a period that was largely vaccine-free, coming before the development of, and the Emergency Use Authorization for, the Covid vaccines now coursing through the bodies of roughly 35% of the US population.

Up until now, about 10% of Americans have survived Covid without intervention, with the remaining 90% having not contracted the illness, despite being unvaccinated.  Now, with 35% of the population vaccinated, and another 10% with naturally acquired immunity, nearly one of every two Americans can neither give nor get the disease.

These conclusions are drawn from the “official” data; however, we know there are numerous inherent errors in that data that alter the picture dramatically.

For instance, the oversampling of test material in the PCR testing regime used nationwide, ratcheting up test cycles to levels so high, even an average garden potato stood a chance of testing positive.  While that is, of course, an exaggeration, the reality is not far removed.

A PCR test repeatedly replicates target viral material in the sample until it becomes detectable. The number of cycles before the virus is detectable is known as the cycle threshold (Ct).

The lower the number of cycle amplifications before the virus is detected, the higher the viral load of the sample, and the greater the likelihood of the person being contagious. The US has routinely used cycle thresholds of 42-45 to detect positive cases.

Problem is that tests above 35 cycles are meaningless.  The likelihood of the virus detected at that level being contagious is a statistical zero.  Above 30 Ct, the test is identifying viral fragments, inert pieces of the virus that are no more dangerous than your average stuffed animal.

Even Anthony Fauci admitted this, stating “any result achieved above 35 Ct, is a false positive,” casting doubt on the veracity of the claim that Covid-19 ought even to be classified as a “pandemic.”

Others have gone further, noting that cycles above 28-30 are still useless for diagnostic purposes, as the viral load of such a sample is for too miniscule to represent a threat to anyone, including the person sampled.

So how does that reflect on the current case data?

According to the New York Times, “In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus…”

If one were to extrapolate that 90% error rate to the rest of the country, ALL the numbers would be reduced to a level on par with a moderately bad Flu season, hardly the stuff of a pandemic.

Given this, the next step is to identify the real number of deaths associated with Covid-19.  The CDC itself admitted only 6% of the deaths attributed to Covid were due to Covid alone; the remaining 94% involving other significant co-morbidities, infections, and even accidents.


If that is true, the death toll drops from 566K to a bit over 33K, making the “pandemic” less lethal than the average Flu season.  Speaking of Flu, mask-advocates are claiming the virtual disappearance of Influenza this year is proof their masks and lockdowns are working.

Not mentioned is the alteration to the reporting of deaths made by the CDC last year, lumping deaths from Pneumonia, Influenza and Covid into one category called PIC.  The flu hasn’t gone away, it’s just being called Covid to ensure the presumed lethality of Sars-CoV-2 remains sufficiently scary for people to clamor for protection.

Frankly, the continual adjusting of the metrics used to assess this public health incident make it nearly impossible to ascertain the truth of anything, apparently by design.

Compounding these errors, the CDC recently ordered the PCR cycle threshold for testing a vaccinated individual be reduced to 28 cycles.  Why?  The reduction of the cycle threshold will make it appear the vaccine is more effective than it is, being measured now against a less sensitive metric, rather than an apples-to-apples measurement using the Ct they recommended throughout the last 15 months.

Astute observers will have noted the overwhelming focus on vaccine-induced immunity as the ticket to a return to “normal,” (remember normal?) while virtually nothing is said regarding the tens of millions who are unarguably less at risk of giving or getting Covid than anyone else, those of us who survived Covid, who possess natural immunity after recovering from the real deal. 

Then, one might ask, why are the unvaccinated lumped together, with no distinction between those who have naturally acquired immunity, and those who have none?  It is patently obvious the locus of potential outbreaks would be in the cohort who is neither vaccinated nor have ever had the disease, yet a vaccination card is the only proof of safety recognized.

Moreover, if vaccinations are as effective as natural immunity, what have the vaccinated to fear?  Why would it be necessary to make a statement “The rule is simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do” when those already immune have nothing to fear, mask or not?

These circumstances are all problematic, and we’ve been arguing over them from the start.  But what has yet to be fully addressed is the long-term effects of these not-yet FDA approved vaccines.  Administered under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), the vaccines have yet to undergo the rigorous regime of testing in full. 

Now, we are seeing several adverse reactions, not only from the vaccines developed the usual way (J&J and Astra Zeneca) but also with the new kid in town, the mRNA shots, using messenger RNA to deliver a genetic payload to the body.  This is an entirely new vaccine methodology, with very little behind it in terms of evidence-based knowledge.

Researchers from Radboud University Medical Center and Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, and the Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research (HZI), at Hannover Medical School (MHH), and the University of Bonn, in Germany, have discovered a disturbing, unintended (?) consequence of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

According to these researchers, the shot is effective against Covid, but it also “induces complex reprogramming of innate immune responses.”  

In laymen’s terms, the shot retrains your innate immune system to behave differently in response to other potential pathogens, viral, fungal and bacterial.

The innate immune system is the foundation of our immune response.  Think of the adaptive system as the firemen, and the innate system as the firehouse: equipment, trucks and most importantly, where the firemen get their training.

The mRNA vaccines are designed to target and manipulate the “adaptive” immune system, the part that reacts to new stressors and novel infections, but the researchers have seen another effect as well.

“These results collectively demonstrate that the effects of the BNT162b2(Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine go beyond the adaptive immune system. The BNT162b2 vaccine induces reprogramming of innate immune responses as well, and this needs to be taken into account.” (emphasis mine)

This vaccine is altering the fundamental system of human immune response, with the most obvious alterations resulting in a reduced cytokine response to pathogens other than Covid, and an increased cytokine response to various fungal infections.

Simply put, it is rendering us more vulnerable to diseases other than Covid and increasing the risk of an out-of-control cytokine storm (the mechanism, which kills you in Covid) from every day, ordinary fungal infections.

The team warns, “The effect of the BNT162b2 vaccination on innate immune responses could also interfere with the responses to other vaccinations.” (emphasis mine)

We all know of adverse drug interactions.  The mRNA vaccines appear to be generating vaccine interactions, reducing the effectiveness of earlier vaccines we’ve received for other diseases, making us vulnerable to any number of diseases defeated decades ago.

We are plodding across dangerous ground with incomplete understanding of what lies beneath or ahead.  The near-religious fervor behind the government’s exhortations, now ultimatums, to get vaccinated are unconscionably irresponsible given the mRNA-based vaccine knowledge available, appears, iceberg-like, to extend far deeper below our sight than the comparative sliver we see today. 

A sliver upon which hundreds of millions globally are staking their lives and futures.  There are reasons why federal law prohibits making vaccines mandatory under an EUA, and this study reveals a damn good one.


Free Range Pathogen


The Child of the Lie