The Child of the Lie

Individuals have long held a dim view of mankind as a whole, perhaps because they recognize the darkness and depravity in their own nature, and intuitively sense the amplifying effect of numbers. What an individual may do, a crowd can do worse.

Evidence of this is witnessed to by the ubiquitous phrase "Man's inhumanity to Man," illustrated by a quote erroneously attributed to Stalin, "The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions, a statistic."

Regardless of whose mouth those words escaped, the cold brutality of its meaning is unquestionable, and the truth behind it, unarguable. No other lesson from the 20th century looms larger than the genocidal capacity of human beings toward each other.

From the deepest mists of history until this present day, mankind has repeatedly sought to better itself, believing our inherent design to be flawed, or at least sufficiently malleable to be re-shaped into a more productive, stronger, faster, smarter and durable form.

Countless figures have emerged over millennia, each peddling a new idea for achieving the rehabilitation of man. An equally large number of methods have been tried, and an unknowably vast number of people have perished needlessly as a result.

There is indeed "nothing new under the sun," and our present crop of earth residents are not immune to these same, ancient urges. If anything, they have been magnified exponentially by technological advances, combined with the dwindling influence of religious faith, which long acted as a moderating factor, protecting mankind from the depredations of a society fully given to a Utilitarian mindset.

These self-anointed Masters of the Universe believe their intellect will bridge the gap between the failures of the past and the risks of the future. With mankind's achievements in science and technology occurring with eye-popping rapidity, the last half-century of "firsts" have convinced a great many that they can do better than our Creator.

One even declared "The genetic code is 3.6 billion years old. It's time for a rewrite."

And that is precisely what has already begun. Microsoft founder Bill Gates sees the genetic code of all organisms as being analogous to computer code; adjustable, updatable, even erasable. His comments on the subject are legion and don't need repeating here, but understand, he is by no means alone in this belief, it has become the dominant view of the physical and medical sciences.

Research and testing based on this concept now consumes more government research dollars than any other, and is on a trajectory to consume more than all others combined.

If you harbored any illusions as to how seriously our government, private sector and public and academic institutions take this effort, the last paragraph should put those illusions to bed.

Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the ENTIRE pharmaceutical industry, and countless scientists are convinced they can rewrite our genetic code to lessen or eliminate vulnerability to disease, via genetic therapy interventions. Some, including Gates, believe they can alter behavior as well, using the same “overwrite” method.

Specifically, they rely on an intervention called "Immunoprophylaxis by Gene Transfer" (IGT), which is the tech used in the development and administration of our experimental mRNA "vaccines" against Covid-19.

Despite being given the loose description of a "vaccine," even its developers and advocates admit it is not a vaccine at all, but rather a gene therapy that rewrites the function of our genetic code; in theory, to make us genetically immune to Covid.

Bear in mind, before now, IGT has never been used in humans beyond very limited trials, with the oldest of these beginning less than 6 years ago. The New York Times ran an article a year prior, giving a concise definition of the experimental therapy:

"I.G.T. is altogether different from traditional vaccination. It is instead a form of gene therapy. Scientists isolate the genes that produce powerful antibodies against certain diseases and then synthesize artificial versions. The genes are placed into viruses and injected into human tissue, usually muscle.

The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies."

Dr. David Baltimore, a Nobel Prize winning virologist at Cal Tech described it this way -

“We’re going around the immune system, rather than trying to stimulate the immune system, so what we’re doing is pretty fundamentally different from vaccination, although the end result is pretty similar.”

As you read this post, has your comfort level with the Covid vaccines risen or fallen? That is a question properly answered individually, placing the increasingly bullyish efforts of mass-vaccination advocates undeniably beyond the pale.

Rewriting human genetic code on a global scale to combat a disease with a 99.7% survival rate, while simultaneously refusing to even consider the idea of developing therapeutic treatments for those infected, leads one to believe there is a greater effort underway, with Covid-19 merely nudging the door open for something far more important to the new “Creators.”

Perhaps they intend to engage in more widespread genetic manipulation via "booster shots," etc. You’ll note the increasing appearance of trial balloons floated in the media, claiming the need for additional boosters will likely stretch out for years.

Given the longstanding obsession with population control held by Gates (and his bought and paid for scientists in the CDC, WHO and Fauci's NIAID), it seems reasonable to question the motives of the "vaccine-insistent" individuals and organizations pushing for nothing less than 100% participation in their experiment.

All to address a pathogen for which there exists numerous safe and effective treatment options, and many preventative supplement regimes.

To paraphrase an earlier quote, "The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions, payback for the environmental suffering of Mother Earth." And by extension, a much smaller, far more easily controlled group of survivors.


Are we to be “Fundamentally Transformed?”


One Lie Begets Another…