I fail to Worship

It occurred to me today in Church that I am atrocious toward God... not that I ignore him; on the contrary, I rarely shut up in my continuous entreaties for his aid. If I had a friend that behaved toward me as I do toward God, I might give serious consideration to hemlock.

You see, I talk to God all the time, asking Him to do things for me, to fix things, to enable things, to strengthen me, to console me, but today, in the midst of the Church service, it dawned on me that I had no recollection of the last time I simply worshiped Him.

What must it be like for the Father to hear only complaints and pleadings? Sure, there are prayers of thanks thrown in, but always in terms of the prayers He answered in the way I hoped.

We are to worship our Lord, AND to give Him thanks and praise.

How tiresome it must be for God to hear my inner voice, knowing I routinely go through the motions of thanking Him for my blessings before launching into an unending litany of needs, wants and recriminations for His allowing the world to be something other than what I suppose it should be...

We are weak and fallen creatures, but God still wants our feeble attempts to give Him our hearts in an attitude of child-like adoration.

How does it feel when a young child comes to you and gives you a hug, laying their little head on your shoulder and squeezing you tight?

Children have no real possessions, nothing of worldly value to offer others. But they have their love...their adoration which they freely give, and to receive it is nourishment to the soul.

God wants that from us, and we hapless creatures of sin and hubris have within our power the ability to warm the heart of the Almighty if only we choose to do so.

Forgive me God for always being the wailing brat in our conversations. I will set aside time to worship you, and lay my head on your shoulder, squeezing tightly.

That is enough for me.


About that “Lincoln Project”


Why Won’t You Fight?