Why Won’t You Fight?

Why do we refuse to believe the evidence of our own eyes?

What disconnect between reality, and our perception of it, leads us to discount the plain-spoken intentions of those who would see our nation dissolved and replaced with some ugly, misshapen collectivist wet dream?

They could not be more direct. They are utterly transparent and we insist on rationalizing their words and acts as anything but what they say it is - a revolution.

We find ourselves at a true crossroads as Americans. Not since the Civil War have we been seriously confronted with the obligation to fulfill our duty to "defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND domestic."

Sure, we've had Leftist-driven civil unrest before, even widespread subversive activity, but these bygone efforts were aware of their own illegitimacy; they knew what they were advocating was entirely illegal, and that knowledge kept them from fully engaging the tools of mass communication to push their aims, else they be arrested for their trouble.

However, this latest iteration of Bolshevik romanticism observes no circumspection, loudly and forcefully demanding the destruction of our form of government, our society, and every institution having sprung from either. It is nihilism with a side of hatred.

This latest belch of radicalism makes use of all means of communication, unabashedly calling others to their aid, while pledging to abandon every existing rule in order to abolish every existing rule, once and for all.

What then?

As playwright Robert Bolt wrote for his film adaptation of "A Man for all Seasons," Sir Thomas More is in a heated discussion with his well-meaning but overly-eager son-in-law William Roper regarding the essential nature of equality before the law.

William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”

Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”

William Roper: “Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!”

Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat?

This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!”

The foot soldiers of BLM, Antifa and countless other "woke" groups and individuals haven't thought past their hunger to "get at the Devil," and are willing to "lay all the laws flat" to do so. However, those who fund and direct these groups are not so oblivious to the consequences of achieving their goals.

With the "laws all flat," they will finally reveal themselves to be the real "Devil," and they will indeed turn on everyone, including those who enabled their victory. For them, it's not the "illegitimacy" of laws formed within a political system they consider to be "systemically racist," it's the fact of the law itself; the existence of which thwarts their ultimate aim of complete domination.

The very concept of law must be redefined if they are to succeed. The concept of law must be warped into the progeny of raw power - an unquestioned imprimatur that boldly states "The law is what we say it is."

This isn't new; humanity has been forever tormented by those who would rule by their own counsel, acknowledging no other. Whether a single despot or a collectivist Politburo, the mechanism is the same - convince the people to rectify injustice by "laying the law flat," then turn on the now defenseless rubes who made it possible in order to achieve un assailable power.

This is the truth of what we face in today's new radicalism. The exploitation of envy, the manipulation of nameless insecurities inculcated among our youth by the useful idiots of a Leftist-oriented educational system.

None today can look to the past without feeling a twinge of inadequacy, a vague inferiority when we compare our best efforts with those of our ancestral heroes. Even the day-to-day discourse of our forebears is a notch above our own.

Our use of language, our understanding of the great lessons of the Classics and the incomparable success of the world they willed into existence ought to engender a meanness of thought, not toward those who set such high examples, but toward ourselves, for having failed to make full use of the knowledge bequeathed to us.

This is the motivation behind the "War on the Past," underway from the Left. Monuments toppled, increasingly for no other reason than their link to people long-dead, but still capable of overshadowing our achievements with the memory of their own.

The wise will learn from this and the foolish will petulantly destroy it without remorse as it stands before them as an indictment of their inadequacies.

FIGHT! Defend that which you know to be true. Defend the memory of those without whom this nation would not exist, and those freedoms they established despite their flaws. Those same freedoms currently exploited by those for whom history is more recrimination than lesson.


I fail to Worship


Who was this man?