The Daily Herring

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One Lie Begets Another…

A lie is rarely singular, as one lie begets another.

Generally, where a narrative is based on a lie, all info from the same source must be viewed skeptically, as the likelihood of additional lies grows exponentially higher as the benefit to the liar increases.

When hundreds of billions of dollars are involved, the benefits are great indeed.

Let's examine one particularly egregious lie, currently repeated ad nauseum, and extrapolate its impact on our future circumstances.

The idea of a Covid "variant" capable of slipping past the natural (or vaccine induced) immunity of the human body is wildly popular among the know-nothing media, despite failing on numerous fronts.

For such a circumstance as a deadly variant to exist, our bodies must fail to recognize a pathogen with which it is already well acquainted. This failure of immune recognition is known as "immune escape."

Our immune system is remarkably efficient. In a somewhat simplified description, it features a set of cells that wander the body looking for intruders.

Once they find them, they literally tear them apart, then absorb the pieces into themselves to be brought to another set of cells that records all available information about each piece, adding it to the body's already vast database of pathogens.

The information recorded is exhaustive, resulting in our bodies knowing the genetic structure and function of every pathogen it encounters. For immune escape to occur, the body must believe the pathogen it sees today is entirely new, unrelated to anything it has previously seen, leaving the body vulnerable to it while it conducts its "research," and develops a new immunity.

For our immune system to be tricked by a variant of a known pathogen, the genetic variation from the original must be extensive, and even then, the base pathogen will usually be recognized and attacked by the body while the system fine tunes its response to the variations.

There are roughly 4,000 known variants of the SARS COV2 virus. The variant that differs the most from the original is still 99.7% identical to the original virus. The idea that our immune system would fail to recognize something that is only 0.3% different from a pathogen to which it has already developed an immunity is ludicrous.

As seen in the illustration provided, the genetic variability of SARS COV2 is remarkably low. The size of each sphere in the graph relates to the pathogen’s capacity for genetic diversity in each successive mutation. The longer a virus has been around, the greater its capacity for variability. The Flu has been with us for centuries, and the endless battle between its mutations and our immune response is the stuff of legend. SARS COV2 is a newcomer, not yet able to alter itself like the Flu can.

For the sake of comparison, the annual flu virus varies at a rate 437 times greater than SARS COV2 is able to do, yet, even on bad years, the flu vaccine (and our naturally-developed immunity) is still at least 40% effective on average, meaning our immune system can still recognize and attack a pathogen that has changed by 437% since the last time they saw each other.

If our immune systems can recognize a variation hundreds of times removed from the original, how are we to believe our already established immunity is being hoodwinked by a variation of three tenths of 1%?

The clear answer is, it can't.

So why are those who surely know better still pitching this "variant" bogeyman? Could it be the prospect of selling a worried population billions of "booster" shots?

Shots they don't need, but will happily pay for, because they have been lied to.

If governments, public health "officials" and a sycophantic media will eagerly peddle such a demonstrably false lie, how many more, less easily detected lies, have followed downstream?

Is money the sole motivation? For the manufacturers, distributors and administrators of the new vaccine regime, yes, money likely tops the list.

But what of the countless government apparatchiks too low on the importance scale to wet their beaks in illicit bribery? Is there another, equally powerful motive for them?

The power-mad bureaucrats who would rather skin themselves alive than give up their new-found fame and power, find in the "variant" lie an excuse to extend their time in the sun, to wield usurped power just a while longer, until those subjected to their arbitrary pronouncements finally rebel against their illegitimate rule.

Throughout the pandemic, there has been an outsized emphasis on vaccine development, to the total exclusion of therapeutics or prophylactic regimens. Certainly the profitability of new and shiny vaccines over the pedestrian, generic drugs shown to effectively treat the disease played a role in this, but could there be other, darker motives in play?

I believe there are, but that’s another article on its own. Suffice it to say, the oft-stated views on population control held by many involved in the development and propagation of both the vaccines and the supposedly necessary “booster shots” (to address a nonexistent danger from over-hyped “variants,”) leads this writer to believe the new “variant threat” is simply a ruse to gain further access to the arms of people across the globe, to inject…what?

That question will be covered in a forthcoming article.