Revolutionary Army of the Left

There's an old phrase in the American lexicon that has fallen into disuse. This phrase speaks volumes using only two words. In fact, its incisiveness is the very reason it has been all but banished from general discourse. More about that in a moment...

First, I'd like to bring your attention to the developing paramilitary arms of the Democratic Party in particular and the greater Leftist movement in general. Of course I'm speaking of Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) specifically, although these two are by no means the only groups vying for the title of "Revolutionary Army of the Left."

While presented by organizers and the media as "organic" movements, borne of decades of oppression and injustice, the truth is far simpler, and more sinister. They are cynical creations springing from the fetid backwaters of Marxist philosophy.

A member of the Students for a Democratic Society, (SDS) a Marxist revolutionary group once wrote "The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution."

Plainly said, whatever the cause - racial equality, women's rights, police misconduct - is never the real cause for action. "Victims," are instruments, mere tools in the larger fight; gaining unstoppable power; winning the "Revolution."

Racism isn't the animating issue for BLM anymore than fighting Facism inspires Antifa. These things are the shiny baubles dangled before easily distracted eyes to keep the real agenda hidden until it's too late to defeat it.

There is even a model of this from which we may learn a great deal about what is to come if these groups (and their political enablers) are not swiftly thwarted and brought to ruin.

In the Middle East, we see numerous groups dedicated to the use of violence under the rubric of Islam, but religious duty is by no means the only force behind their reprehensible acts against innocents.

These groups have been given a target (Israel) and justification for their animus from the writings of Islam, but they are deployed in service to a political strategy, informed by totalitarian, Leftist ideologies.

Over the last half-century, these groups have recognized that true power lies in controlling the levers of government directly, and have evolved political wings to exploit their relatively new access to elected office occasioned by the advent of Democratic elections.
We now see bloody organizations like HAMAS and the PLO (and all its splintered successors) running the governments of once independent peoples.

Islam and Leftism are quite compatible in that both require the subjugation of their adherents (and those whom their adherents encounter) in order to function. Remove the element of coercion and both systems crack and fail. They are natural allies against the advocates of individual liberty and self-government.

Terror groups evolved non-violent political arms in order to gain access to office. The same thing is happening here in the United States, only in reverse. The political arm is already in office, lacking only the ability to spread terror through organized violence.

The Democrat Party has a long history of implicit support for extra-judicial activity to help achieve those goals they cannot reach legitimately. The Ku Klux Klan springs to mind as an example, although there have been others.

Following the axiom of "grow or die," the Democrats have welcomed the involvement of the international Left, and with that unholy alliance has come the adoption of tactics that have served to bring down nations and regimes in the Mid-East and Eastern Europe.

HAMAS needed a non-violent political arm to gain the power they craved. The Democrats need a violent terror arm to retain the power they've amassed. The mechanisms employed in both circumstances are identical and can be predicted. Fortunately, what can be predicted can also be interdicted, if we only have the will to do so.

Just as the last paramilitary arm of the Democrat party (KKK) were defeated, so too must be the present editions. Failing to do so will result in an already disloyal opposition fielding an army of their own.

Let me offer the first step in naming our contemporary enemy by resurrecting the phrase I mentioned in the opening paragraph.

Call 'em what they are - Commie Bastards. No better description than that.


Who was this man?


Cornered by Trump, the Left Intends to Fight to the Death