Cornered by Trump, the Left Intends to Fight to the Death

When you don't see your opponent as fully human, equal in every way to you and yours, you become vulnerable to the darker impulses of human nature and if not constrained, may soon find yourself engaging in the most heinous of behavior.

Compound that reprehensible mindset with the firm conviction of your own righteousness and you have the foundation for true evil, lacking only opportunity and means, both of which are readily provided by the demagogues among us.

With the advent of the internet and social media, instantaneous mass communication no longer remains solely in the hands of broadcast media. The old rules no longer apply, not even to the once-proud "news" organizations who now traffic in the most salacious of tabloidism, driven entirely by an intention to propagandize, not inform.

The efficiency and relative anonymity of the internet has been both boon and curse, offering great reach and influence to millions, but without any real sense of responsibility, or meaningful accountability for misuse.

Bits and tittles of binary code have no care for the purposes to which they are set, and the marriage of devolved social norms and digital anonymity has given rise to a particularly nasty little practice among those afflicted with the mindset described above.

Called "doxxing," this anti-free speech tactic involves exposing as much of an opponent's personal information as possible - home address, phone numbers, emails, family members (complete with their addresses as well) publicly, with as wide a distribution as possible to generate dangerous mobs outside their homes harassing their families, even encouraging physical violence against them.

In some cases, private financial info such as Social Security numbers, banking info and investment accounts is disseminated as bait for identity thieves to clean out the net worth of the target.

All because they hold a differing political opinion.

In 2016, having lost the election for President, Hillary's campaign, the DNC and media allies launched an attempt to hijack the vote of the Electoral College, hoping to lure enough faithless Electors to swing the election their way.

They ginned up a "bipartisan" letter alleging all sorts of outrageous things (the first salvo of the soon to be discredited "Russian Collusion" narrative) and sent this poison missive to every Elector, urging them to disfranchise their voters and switch allegiance from the duly elected President and cast their electoral ballot for Hillary.

As the days counted down to the meeting of the Electoral College, intense media and political pressure was proving insufficient to sway enough Electors to overturn Trump's victory.

Something more convincing was then brought to bear as the Trump Electors were doxxed, soon finding their homes surrounded by screaming protesters and threatening thugs. Their phone lines were hopelessly jammed, and their emails clogged to their limits.

The message was the same to all of them... switch allegiance or else. Fortunately for our Republic, only two succumbed to the tactic.

That stunt was devised and launched over a span of mere days. A similar tactic will almost certainly be employed in this year's election, albeit with four years to plan and prepare.

With that much time, would you be surprised if blackmail-level info had not been sought and found on every elector? Vulnerabilities identified and plans made to exploit the weaknesses discovered to ensure a vote for the Democrat, regardless of the vote of the elector's district.

Consider also the influence of the Leftist agitation machine on increasingly weak and solicitous state and local politicians. Heavily funded groups like BLM, Antifa, and countless local and regional wannabe groups - all eagerly pressing for authorities to look the other way when these miscreants engage in voter intimidation, fraud and threats of violence, all designed to make the Trump voter too frightened to leave their homes on Election day, or too worried about the violence that may follow another Trump landslide win.

When you are convinced of the righteousness of your cause and the sub-human status of your opponent, history tells us behavior such as I've described would be only the tip of the iceberg. The Left is in a corner fighting for its life. There is no limit to what they'll do to survive.

After all, in their mind, it's for our own good.


Revolutionary Army of the Left


Shuffling through the Circles of Hell